Committee to Elect Stan VanderWerf
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Experience Matters!
Executive Leadership Delivered!
Helped create Regional Office of Emergency Management
Over 100,000 acres of forest fire risk reduction
Fully funded Sheriff's Office every year
Fighting to stop child abuse and human trafficking
Multi-million dollar increased budget for roads
Delivered repaving of Highway 24 through UTE Pass
Broadband internet into Manitou Springs
Replaced over 200 old vehicles with new to increase efficiencies (snow plows, road pavers, salt trucks, graders, etc)
Accomplished all this and more without raising taxes
Helped over 30,000 citizens find jobs as Chair of the Pikes Peak Workforce Center
Aided in securing re-location of companies to El Paso County
Improved housing development process to control housing costs
Authored variances to help re-open businesses safely in El Paso County
Created team to coordinate community response
Voted to distribute over $40 million to local cities and towns
Ensured County services remained open to help citizens in need
More achievements below......
National Achievements
Appointed to the National Association of Counties (NACO) Community, Economic Development, and Workforce Board (CEWD)
Established El Paso County as a national leader in tiny home legislation (e.g. affordable housing)
Established County designed Opportunity Zone Policy Change as National Position for NACO
Met with Secretary of HUD, Ben Carson, to discuss affordable housing
Briefed Pikes Peak Workforce Center's achievements at National Governor's Association Symposium
State Achievements
Co-Chair, Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG) legislative affairs committee - succeeded in influencing several pieces of legislation on behalf of the citizens of the Pikes Peak region
Established legislative committee in the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) to improve local understanding of state initiatives related to criminal justice
Provided testimony on selected State transportation bills
Conducted extensive meetings with State legislators in a wide variety of proposed bills
Continued efforts to stop State unfunded mandates to Colorado counties
Appointed to and participated in Colorado Counties Incorporated (CCI) legislative development meetings
Participated in policy development for state-wide affordable housing legislation
Regional Achievements
Leader on team to create Regional Office of Emergency Management - combined City and County operations - saved taxpayer dollars and improved operations
Improved regional cooperation by improving relationships with other public agencies like Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs, Monument, etc.
Speaker at numerous regional events
Voting member on the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG) - focus on transportation, aging, joint land use, environmental, and more
Co-Chair PPACG Legislative Committee - led the review of dozens of state legislative proposals leading to PPACG endorsed positions - several pieces of legislation were improved as a result
Voting member of Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) - 2017-2018
Infrastructure Improvements
Liaison to the County's Highway Advisory Commission
Supported Tabor relief ballot to increase infrastructure funding - the ballot passed with almost 70% citizen support. 95% of the funds are going into roads and bridges
Key member of team to accelerate I-25 widening
Approved budgets providing millions of dollars in County road equipment re-capitalization - Essential improvements for efficient road maintenance/construction
Snow plows, salt trucks, graders, Bomag (gravel road repaver), truck wash, more
Completed West Colorado Avenue revitalization
Led effort to deliver design improvements at intersection of Chipita Park and Highway 24 - construction to start 2020
Initiated and completed South Academy repaving
Supported over 40 additional road improvements in 2018 across the County
Established "unmanned aircraft service" contract for the County to improve reviews of infrastructure projects
Increased Public Safety
Chair, Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC)
Established CJCC legislative committee to improve local understanding of state initiatives related to criminal justice
Voted to place Public Safety Sales Tax extension on ballot - approved by over 70% of voters - essential to continue current levels of service from the Sheriff's office
Approved funding additional body armor for sworn County law enforcement officers
Closed down/fined marijuana stores violating permits - reduced illegal distribution risk
Cleaned out dozens of homeless camps which are public safety and public health risks - established a more efficient process now used County-wide
Improved cooperation with numerous public and private agencies to improve operations for criminally justice involved persons with mental health issues
Voted for retirement pay for Deputy Sheriff Micah Flick's family after he was killed in the line of duty
Parks Improvements
Commissioner liaison to El Paso County Parks Board
Completed development of Rainbow Falls, one of El Paso County's newest parks (near Manitou Springs) - 300 people now use the park daily
Voted to fund numerous park projects including
New dog parks
Gazebo repair at Fox run Regional Park
New youth bike park in Fountain Creek Park
Enhanced exhibits at Bear Creek Nature Center
Pineries open space trails and restoration
Jones Park trail re-location
New Elephant Rock open space in northern El Paso County
Establishment of Kane Ranch open space
More Efficient and Transparent Land Use Planning
Recommended improved master planning - we now have a county-wide master plan in review and just finished a county-wide water master plan
Voted for and implemented nation-leading Tiny Home legislation
Voted for the Electronic Development And Review Program (EDARP) - program is less expensive for citizens and developers - offers better property information for all
Voted for and implemented several development projects to increase housing supply and better manage rising housing costs
Voted for large downtown development that will add 4,500 apartments over 20 years
Provided extensive advocacy for construction defect reform which should increase market incentives to build apartments and town homes in El Paso County
Recommended creation of unbiased review process for Tax Increment Finance projects - process approved and now in operation
Improved Disaster Preparedness
Negotiated Regional Office of Emergency Management - combined City and County operations - Saves money, improves performance on critical life saving operations
Restructured fire risk mitigation public/private collaboration board
Established County "Supertanker" contract to increase local airborne firefighting water delivery
Voting member of Emergency Services Authority - removed government set rate controls to ensure county-wide ambulance services
Enhanced Higher Quality Economic Development
Advisory Board Member - Small Business Development Center (SBDC) - established better programs and relationships between the SBDC, the County, and the Community
Commissioner Liaison - Airport Advisory Committee - key member of team that has expanded commercial and general aviation operations at the Colorado Springs airport
Chair - Pikes Peak Workforce Center Board - provided 15,000 job placements last year among many other achievements
Successfully supported growth in numerous selected industries - including sports economy, cyber security, manufacturing, military base mission growth, aerospace, more
Led efforts to improve rural broadband - assisted in building broadband fiber optic capabilities up UTE Pass - endorsed County-wide Broadband Strategic Plan
Enhanced regional outdoor athletics - established bike ride/race in Fountain
Supported several arts economy efforts - extensive work with COPPR and Public Art Commission to grow our creative community and businesses
Working with community leaders to create a university affiliated research and development center
Improved Job Opportunities - Workforce Development
Chair of the Pikes Peak Workforce Center (PPWFC) Board
Provided leadership for an vastly improved regional workforce center that has been noticed by the state and nationally
Hired new Executive Director for PPWFC
PPWFC is now an award winning enterprise, the best in Colorado with record breaking job fairs, 15,000 job placements in 2018, award winning personnel, more
Enhanced programs for job seekers, employers, young adults, veterans, and citizens from disadvantaged backgrounds
Improved Homeless Policies
Cleaned out more than 12 homeless camps on the west side in last two years - increased public safety and reduced health risks for both residents AND the homeless
Recommended and now support Colorado Springs homeless outreach court as well as increased citations for illegal camping to encourage higher use of the outreach court
Assisted with finding new living arrangements for residents of Emerald Towers
Converted CSBG Program from emergency funding to self-sufficiency investments
Created combined Dept of Human Services / Workforce Center pilot program to help those in need get both counseling and job training
Voted for and established an illegal camping ordinance
Increased Department of Human Services Citizen Support
Raised awareness for child abuse and human trafficking in El Paso County
Supported divestiture from intoxication center (not a gov't task, huge medical liability) - moved to Crossroads non-profit which also provides addiction prevention support in high schools
Supported processes to fix non-performing services contracts at DHS - saved millions of dollars and increased performance
Supported an improved state child welfare allocation formula resulting in more funds for El Paso County
Voting member of Child Alternative Placement Commission (Foster Care) - have improved public/private partnerships
Increased County Openness, Transparency, and Efficiency
Initiated and encouraged increases in strategic planning not done for a long time:
Parks Plan, Broadband Plan, Housing Development Plan, Water Plan, County facilities plan, more
Delivered whistle blower protections in the County personnel manual
Created citizen-based Science and Technology Commission to improve County technology adoption
Supported and voted to fund new County, Clerk and Recorder and Assessor websites - provides easier citizen access and much more information
Published in searchable format all county ordinances, land use and park regulations, etc.
Voted for several efforts to clean up and update planning code (bee keeping, ADA compliance, etc)
Voted for the Electronic Development and Review Program (EDARP) - a process to save citizen and developer time and money for development project reviews
Implemented a strategy to increase citizen awareness of county services
Improved Environmental Services
Improved environmental services delivered by the County - collected over 500 tons of recyclable materials, over 100,000 gallons of household paint, and more in 2018
Created ordinance to stop dumping of tires in El Paso County - reduced fire risk and environmental damage
Honoring Veterans and Supporting our Military Bases
Formed Pikes Peak Heroes Legacy Committee - focuses on honoring local heroes
Created museum exhibit now on display at the Colorado Springs airport telling the story of Mr. Don Stratton, survivor of the USS Arizona attack at Pearl Harbor - Stratton is a local El Paso County resident
Named the Fillmore Bridge after Mr. Don Stratton
Speaker at numerous Veteran's Day, VFW, American Legion, and VA events
Voting member of the Military Affairs Committee - enhanced community to base relationships
Voting member of the Defense Mission Task Force - helped capture more military missions and protect current missions
Contributor to growing our defense public and private business base
Demonstrated Community Leadership
Helped several citizens get their utilities re-established with CSU in Cascade
Member Council of Neighbors and Organizations (CONO) Advisory Committee
Volunteer for Saint Arnold Beer Festival which raises about $25,000 per year for Westside Cares
Voting member of the Community Services Development Board - achieved a re-emphasis of their funding recommendations from emergency services to sustainable services for people in need
Helps 2 to 3 citizens per week on wide ranging issues
Supports hundreds of non-profits in their missions to help people
Guest climber with the AdAMan Club - I help launch fireworks from the top of Pikes Peak on New Year's eve
Speaker at Tri-Lakes Annual State of the Region Luncheon
Supporter of Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance
Supported Improved Public Health Efforts
Supported additional $200K more in 2019 budget for Public Health efforts
Key leader to improve community based mental health services
Working on initiatives to improve family health
Extensive work with Public Health on COVID response
Key Member 2020 Census Preparation Team
Voting member of the Pikes Peak Complete Count Committee
Co-Chair of the Government Sub-Committee
Supporting increased County marketing development for the Census - it's important that everyone gets counted